You used to sing in the choir and shows at school and would like to recapture that feeling of abandon you had when you sang?

You enjoy singing, but don't have the confidence to sing by youself?

You've always enjoyed the idea of being able to sing, but were told you were rubbish at school?

You want to get out and meet some other people who have similar likes and interests to you?

You're a bit of a show-off and love to perform in amateur dramatics and musical theatre?

You want to expand your knowledge of how to sing in a fun atmosphere, but with some focus and rigour?

You want to be part of something that makes you feel good, that lifts your heart and where you can forget the banalities of every day stuff?

You are interested in singing and would like the opportunity to learn about and sing lots of different genres?

You have a background in music, having played an instrument/sung to a high level at school and university and want an opportunity to use those skills?

You just simply love music?

Then VOX POP may be for you..........

Catherine is founding an amateur adult choir called "Vox Pop" based in Brussels. This choir will perform hits from across all genres; Rock, Gospel, Musical Theatre all the way to Sacred Polyphony in four part soprano, alto,tenor, bass formation. No prior experience is needed, just the spirit to succeed! Training is part of the fun.....

Vox Pop will meet three times before Christmas to get into the seasonal spirit. Come along to The Hub (see directions below) on Sunday 4th, 11th and 18th December 2pm-4pm.

Thereafter the choir will meet every tuesday 6.30pm-8.30pm starting from 17th January 2012 at The Hub. For any inquiries contact Catherine at


Per 10 weeks:  € 120

Per week:        €   15

Stay tuned for news on this project.....

Directions and map to The Hub:
• metro to Porte de Namur
• tram 92, 94, 97 to Stéphanie
• bus 71 or 54 to Quartier St-Boniface
Address: The Hub Brussels,
37 Rue du Prince Royal
1050 Brussels
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